Parking Areas

Air Force Corporate Standards

Design parking areas conforming to existing topography and providing the total parking requirement for the facility. Accommodate all types of vehicles associated with the facility addressing work force, visitors, deliveries, services, and emergencies. Provide a level of quality appropriate for the Facility Group. Connect parking areas to the pedestrian walkway and path system. Comply with AT requirements.


Emphasize pedestrian and cycling access to facilities and promote walkability. Use high albedo surfaces to reduce heat island effect. Appropriately provide permeable paving following Installation Facilities Standards (IFS).


In areas at risk to high winds, provide trees with small to medium height and spread to minimize potential debris from wind and storm events and to preserve access and reduce maintenance requirements.

UFC 3-201-01 Civil Engineering

UFC 3-210-10 Low Impact Development

UFC 4-010-01 DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings

AFI 32-1002 Snow and Ice Control