Air Force Installation Facilities Standards


Ancillary Structures

  • Ancillary structures should be generally limited to Group 1 facilities; minimize the use of these secondary structures. When these structures are required, ensure they are architecturally compatible with adjacent facilities.
  • Organize buildings and activities to minimize the need for ancillary structures.
  • Compatibly integrate required ancillary structures with the facilities they support.
  • Avoid visual clutter when siting these facilities.
  • Commercially available standard designs are preferred for repetitive structures; custom designs may be used for limited stand-alone special-function structures.
  • Follow Installation Facilities Standards (IFS) in the design of all ancillary structures including pavilions, bus shelters, bike shelters and shade shelters.

Reduce the total ownership costs of facilities through the design of high performance and sustainable buildings. Balance life-cycle costs, energy efficiency and occupant benefits with budgets and mission requirements; include deconstruction.

Designate all existing and planned facilities with the appropriate Facility Group number following the Facilities Hierarchy guidance in the Overview of this AFCFS. Apply an appropriate level of facility quality and architectural features, materials and detailing based on the Facility Group designation.

Use a collaborative, integrated planning and design team, composed of user, government support staff, and appropriate professionals. Design architectural features using simple detailing to create a professional appearance; avoid extravagant or excessive detailing.

Comply with the established Installation design theme through recurring roof systems, wall systems and building entrances that reflect architectural compatibility with the Base standards and regional context.


Analyze climate and local and regional contexts; respond to these in the building design and properly orient buildings. Per UFC 1-200-02, evaluate the building components to determine whether passive and natural design strategies and features are cost effectively incorporated before the active mechanical systems are designed.

Respond to site analyses focusing on building orientation, configuration and massing. Select and integrate high performance and sustainable building components (e.g. roofs, walls, fenestrations, shading devices and thermal mass) into facility designs. Design the building envelope to control the transfer of the following elements: heat, air, moisture, light/radiation, and noise. Design each control strategy holistically and use an integrated approach.”

Following UFC 1-200-02, design buildings to achieve energy consumption reduction and to protect and conserve water. Provide on-site renewable energy systems where life-cycle cost effective; consider climate, infrastructure condition, mission compatibility, and effects on base wide electrical system (grid) power quality.

UFC 1-200-01 General Building Requirements

UFC 1-200-02 High Performance and Sustainable Building Requirements

UFC 3-101-01 Architecture

UFC 4-010-01 DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings

AFI 32-6002 U.S. Air Force Family Housing Guide for Planning, Programming, Design and Construction