DAFDAP Overview

The Department of the Air Force Design Awards Program (DAFDAP) is an enterprise-wide program recognizing facilities that demonstrate design excellence and meet DAFCFS and IFS requirements, DoD metrics for performance, and DAF budget requirements. Three levels of award are given: the Honor Award, the highest achievement, the Merit Award and the Citation Award.

All DAF new, renovations and site development projects that comply with DAFCFS and IFS are eligible. Projects may be submitted at a minimum one year following the Beneficial Occupancy Date (BOD) to allow adequate time for the Civil Engineer Squadron (CES) to evaluate the facility’s performance and functionality for meeting mission assurance requirements.

The Call for Entries is officially made in spring of each year. Deadlines are mid summer. Evaluations are conducted and award winners are announced during the fall. The awards ceremony is held in fall/winter. Refer to the Calendar of Events which may be downloaded from the applicant information page.

Application Submission Requirements and Process
For requirements, applicants must demonstrate how the IFS elements were satisfied in narrative and photographs and, when applicable, in the HPSB Scoresheet.

For the process, refer to the application information page which contains Application Instructions as well as the Application Submission Form. Applicants are encouraged to review past Awards Winners’ submissions to determine the level of quality required. Download the worksheet for an example application submission form, review instructions, gather information, and prepare for the application submission process.

Image Credits
Professional quality photographs are recommended. Photographers who wish to be recognized may provide their information on the application. All images will become the property of DAF and may be used in this DAFDAP and in the DAFCFS, and IFS programs.

A panel of distinguished jurors evaluate each entry for compliance with DAFCFS and IFS with an emphasis on design responses to regional climatic constraints and opportunities.

By meeting DAFCFS and IFS requirements for quality, compatibility, performance, and readiness all our new and renovated facilities will represent the dignity, virtue and long-term sustainability and ongoing resilience of the United States Department of the Air Force.